These are books that I own and have read several times. Each has some great information and projects listed.
"The Complete Modern Blacksmith" (combination of his 2 books The Making of Tools and The Modern Blacksmith) By: Alexander G. Weygers ISBN 978-0-89815-896-0
"Practical Projects for The Blacksmith" By: Ted Tucker ISBN-13: 978-0878573127
"The Art of Blacksmithing" By: Alex W. Bealer ISBN 0-06015225-7
"The Backyard Blacksmith" By: Lorelei Sims ISBN-13: 978-0785825678
*****Check out your local city or county library for copies of blacksmithing books to review prior to buying.
Jeep is a proud to promote the following organizations and businesses which are great resources for those who are interested in blacksmithing. Keep in mind we hold blacksmithing/tinsmithing classes throughout the year, from beginners on up.